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Preserve Catch and Release

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Reservoir Eugi


Region / State:
Chartered Community of Navarre
Telephone 1:
34 848426800
Departamento de Desarrollo Rural, Medio Ambiente y Administración Local
Departamento de Desarrollo Rural, Medio Ambiente y Administración Local
Email address:
Last update:
2022-08-13 19:04:57
Longitude: 21Hm³
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Upper limit: Todo el embalse


Coto Eugi (Navarre)

Fishing Reserve

8573 Visits

Coto Eugi (Navarre)

Catch and release fishing Reserve

6361 Visits

Río Erro (Navarre)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

6367 Visits

Coto Huarte (Navarre)

Signal Crayfish Reserve

8442 Visits

Coto Huarte (Navarre)

Continous Restocking Fishing Reserve

14385 Visits

Río Ultzama (Navarre)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

8508 Visits

Río Urrobi (Navarre)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

6236 Visits

Coto Sorauren (Navarre)

Signal Crayfish Reserve

7543 Visits


Hotel Auñak (Navarre)


4943 Visits

Río Arga (Pamplona) (Navarre)

Escenario Deportivo Social Salmónidos

6236 Visits

Río Irati (Aribe) (Navarre)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

6723 Visits


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In case you have any information, good or bad on this fishing site you are visiting, we ask you to share with us. No need to be a registered fisherman anywhere to leave your comments. You can do so without registering.

Sites that already have reviews tend to be more favorable for others input on them, so we encourage you to provide information or simply ask a question about fishing site you are visiting. Other fisherman can perhaps answer your questions.

In any case, please collaborate with us. Thanks for visiting Eugi.

Pesca en embalse, sent by: Javier (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2022-08-13 19:04:57

Quisiera saber si en este embalse de eugi es permitida la pesca en algún lugar en concreto obviamente sabiendo que el agua es para el consumo gracias


intensivo rio arga, sent by: jaju (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2018-05-05 13:06:56 of Coto Huarte.

hoy 5 de mayo en el intensivo de rio arga no hay nada me junte con 8 pescadores y niguno no tuvo ni picada es para que no tiren su dinero


truchas, sent by: pescador (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2019-03-05 19:15:28 of Coto Huarte.

dia 2 de marzo estuve en el intensivo del rio arga me junte con mas de 20 pescadores y todos decian lo mismo no tuvieron ni picada es un robo ladrones
seto es del 2019


Pescar valle guesalaz, sent by: Juan Manuel (Not registered) Reply

Send the 2021-11-23 21:28:52 of Coto Huarte.

En qué zonas y fechas se puede pescar en Ibero y Valle de Guesalaz ?
Se necesita algún permiso a parte de la licencia para estas zonas ?
Se puede pescar en Pozoberri en el Valle de Guesalaz ?