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Urumea (Guipuscoa)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

8524 Visits

Leitzaran (Guipuscoa)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

7369 Visits

Leitzaran Bekoerrota (Guipuscoa)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

6749 Visits

Oiartzun (Guipuscoa)

Free Fishing Cath and Release Area (No Kill Area)

7309 Visits

Coto Intensivo Leitzaran (Guipuscoa)

Continous Restocking Fishing Reserve

9278 Visits

Coto Leitzaran II (Guipuscoa)

Catch and release fishing Reserve

6495 Visits

Leitzaran (Guipuscoa)

Crayfish Reserve

6442 Visits

Añarbe (Navarre)

Free fishing Area

10105 Visits

Coto Leitzaran I (Guipuscoa)

Catch and release fishing Reserve

11145 Visits

Fishing Guide

AQT Eguisiers (Guipuscoa)

Saltwater on board angling guides

5163 Visits

Boat charter

ESTATXA Tripulaciones y Servicios (Guipuscoa)

Boat chartering

5321 Visits

Getari Charter (Guipuscoa)

Saltwater on board angling guides

6049 Visits

Coto Zelai (Guipuscoa)

Catch and release fishing Reserve

12419 Visits


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Mapa del lugar

  • Business
    • B - Estala Pesca Deportiva
  • Fishing
    • C - Añarbe
    • D - Araxes
    • E - Coto Araxes
    • F - Coto Embalse de Arriaran
    • G - Coto Embalse de Lareo
    • H - Coto Intensivo Leitzaran
    • I - Coto Leitzaran I
    • J - Coto Leitzaran II
    • K - Coto Zelai
    • L - Escuela Río Ezkurra
    • M - Ibai - Eder
    • N - Ibiur
    • O - Leitzaran
    • P - Leitzaran
    • Q - Leitzaran Bekoerrota
    • R - Leurtza Inferior
    • S - Leurtza Superior
    • T - Oiartzun
    • U - Oria
    • V - Río Basaburua
    • W - Río Ezpelura
    • X - Río Larraun
    • Y - Río Larraun
    • Z - Río Leitzaran
    • [ - Río Ultzama
    • \ - San Anton
    • ] - Urola
    • ^ - Urumea
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Pesca Deportiva, Charter de pesca en todas sus modalidades, Excursiones marítimas, etc.


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Sites that already have reviews tend to be more favorable for others input on them, so we encourage you to provide information or simply ask a question about fishing site you are visiting. Other fisherman can perhaps answer your questions.

In any case, please collaborate with us. Thanks for visiting Estala Pesca Deportiva.

Estala Pesca Deportiva

Saltwater on board angling guides

00 Contact

Region / State:
Basque Country
Telephone 1:
34 943275853
Telephone 2:
34 943273103
C/ Usandizaga 25 2D. San Sebastián.
Postal Code:
Email address:
Last update:
2013-12-15 11:43:29

Pesca Deportiva, Charter de pesca en todas sus modalidades, Excursiones marítimas, etc.

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